UV Curables

Whether for the graphic arts or paints and coatings sector, Aal Chem has the chemical expertise to help meet your UV curable needs.

Epoxy Diacrylate

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Epoxy Diacrylate

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Epoxy Acrylate Oligomer

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Epoxy Acrylate Oligomer

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Epoxy Diacrylate

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Epoxy Diacrylate

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Epoxy Acrylate Oligomer

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Epoxy Acrylate Oligomer

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Epoxy Acrylate Oligomer

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Epoxy Diacrylate

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UV Curables

UV curables are chemicals that polymerize quickly with exposure to UV light. They include acrylates, methacrylates, epoxy, and photoinitiators. UV curables are typically used when speed of cure is of premium importance and when the chemical process necessitates low heat and low levels of solvent. The development of this field has allowed almost all substrates to be considered, including plastic, glass, metal, tile, canvas, paper, and film. Aal Chem has long-standing expertise in supporting the evolution of the printing industry and a stellar reputation helping the industry resolve unique and challenging projects.

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